Expanded and Updated to be even more comprehensive. Volume 2 contains Mantels-Marble through Wrist Watches. Over 1,645 black and white photos of clocks, dials, movements, parts, original factory drawings and much more. Chapters include: Mantel-marble, onyx, electric, novelty, musical, ogee, pillar and scroll, porcelain, series, steeple, swinging frames, tambour, wood cases, violin; Ships Bell Clocks-hanging, mantle; Ship chronometers and levers; Statuettes and candlesticks; Street clocks; Tower; Watches; Wrist watches; Plymouth; Ornaments; Dials-descriptions, saches, glass and illustrations; Movements-table, diagrams, descriptions, illustrations. All with date, description and size. Important tips for the collector and restorer. 1,152 Pages. Size is 9″ x 11″. Hardcover.
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