  • Rolex Watches by Charlie Cleves

New! Rolex Watches (DVD) by Charlie Cleves

This is a brand new DVD by Charlie Cleves, Certified Master Watchmaker. Excellent for buyers, sellers and repairman. Covers how to identify true Rolex watches with mismatched Rolex replacement parts. Legal ramifications and self-protection tips for fake or stolen watches. Learn to recognize the fakes by: papers, mispellings, bands, links, coloring, construction, refinished bands & cases, pivot holes, boxes, under carating. Other topics include: dials…wording, material, coloring, hallmarks; Crystals & bezels; waterproofing, markings. Gem cuts: quality & settings, carat testing. Serial numbers. Case backs: shapes and hallmarks. After market watch discrepancies to look for. This video is of a workshop given before a live audience. The DVD is approx. 90 minutes long.

Availability: 6 in stock

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SKU: VDO-103

This is a brand new DVD by Charlie Cleves, Certified Master Watchmaker. Excellent for buyers, sellers and repairman. Covers how to identify true Rolex watches with mismatched Rolex replacement parts. Legal ramifications and self-protection tips for fake or stolen watches. Learn to recognize the fakes by: papers, mispellings, bands, links, coloring, construction, refinished bands & cases, pivot holes, boxes, under carating. Other topics include: dials…wording, material, coloring, hallmarks; Crystals & bezels; waterproofing, markings. Gem cuts: quality & settings, carat testing. Serial numbers. Case backs: shapes and hallmarks. After market watch discrepancies to look for. This video is of a workshop given before a live audience. The DVD is approx. 90 minutes long.

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