  • Bouncing Girl Cuckoo Clock Pendulum

Bouncing Girl Clock Pendulum

Bouncing girl pendulum for cuckoo or novelty clocks. Has a 2″ spring attached. Girl is 2-1/4″ high. Overall length is 5″. The springs may come in differently from the factory in Germany on occasion (please see the pictures above). There is a 4 prong metal tab at the top of the spring that should click or turn into a slot at the bottom of your mini cuckoo movement. Sometimes this tab is not provided by the manufacturer but you can use the one off your old pendulum or movement, if needed. Thanks for your understanding.

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SKU: CC-380

Bouncing girl pendulum for cuckoo or novelty clocks. Has a 2″ spring attached. Girl is 2-1/4″ high. Overall length is 5″. The springs may come in differently from the factory in Germany on occasion (please see the pictures above). There is a 4 prong metal tab at the top of the spring that should click or turn into a slot at the bottom of your mini cuckoo movement. Sometimes this tab is not provided by the manufacturer but you can use the one off your old pendulum or movement, if needed. Thanks for your understanding.

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