• Clock Repair Video

Introduction to Clock Repair with John Kenyon (VHS)

This is a brand new informative video on the repair of a basic American clock and is designed for the beginning student. The instructor, John P. Kenyon, is a certified Master Clockmaker and has served as an AWCI clock course instructor. Mr. Kenyon is a master teacher as well, having retired from Ohio State University with Professor Emeritus status. This film was produced and edited by the AWCI (American Watch and Clock Institute). Approx. 30 min. long.

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SKU: C-370

This is a brand new informative video on the repair of a basic American clock and is designed for the beginning student. The instructor, John P. Kenyon, is a certified Master Clockmaker and has served as an AWCI clock course instructor. Mr. Kenyon is a master teacher as well, having retired from Ohio State University with Professor Emeritus status. This film was produced and edited by the AWCI (American Watch and Clock Institute). Approx. 30 min. long.

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